ADU 0450
How concerned should I be about Military Training Areas (MOAs)? How do I identify them?
ADU 0566
What are the details surrounding the FAA restricting drone operations over certain military bases?

ADU 0821
How to Determine Military Operating Areas and Restricted Airspace by Reading Sectional Charts

ADU 0893
Can You Get Authorization to Fly Your Drone over a Military Base?
5 Effective Ways to Simplify Airspace Authorization
If you’ve been involved in any aspect of the drone business since Part 107 regulations were introduced by the FAA, then you're probably frustrated with the length of time it takes to get authorization for a simple commercial flight. In short, the FAA... Helps Drone Pilots Obtain Instant Airspace Authorization
MEET THE FOLKS ENABLING DRONE PILOTS GET INSTANT AIRSPACE AUTHORIZATION Until recently, it's been pretty hard for drone pilots to get permission to fly in federal airspace. Pilots have had to wait weeks, or even months, to hear back from the FAA...
Sectional Aeronautical Chart
This is an important document to study if you’ve NOT taken your Part 107 drone license test yet. As a member said to us, “Had I not studied (this chart) I’m sure I would have missed some questions.”
Recommended Aeronautical Charts Site for Commercial Pilots
Before you fly you should always double check your location in respect to airports and airspace. If you are a commercial pilot then we recommend this site from
Worldwide Drone Laws
Ever wonder what the drone laws are in another country? This is a very helpful and valuable resource for those of you traveling abroad with your drone. Check this out before you go and see what you need to know.
US Drone Laws by State
If you are in the United States and are unsure of the laws for each State then this is where you need to look. Know the variance in laws from State to State before you assume they are similar. You know what assuming does...don't be that person.