Learn why professional pilots are skipping the Mavic Air 2s for the Mavic 2 Pro. Long story short, do you want to give your competition an edge over your skills?
While recreational pilots simply looking to have fun may be interested, professional drone pilots seem to be skipping the purchase of a Mavic Air 2s, especially if they already own a Mavic 2 Pro. Experienced drone pilots often learn how important it is to have full drone control and camera control. Full drone control literally means the ability to pilot the aircraft and the ability to control the camera. Full drone control also means professional drone pilots can fly when new pilots are too fearful or inexperienced. Chances are, experienced drone pilots have learned this lesson the hard way. They’ve been out on a drone job but the camera won’t expose the subject properly.
Experienced drone pilots have usually learned another hard lesson. Without full control of the drone, they will have less days they can fly. It is not just inclement weather that will stop a drone pilot. Harsh winds or even slightly windy days will inhibit most drone pilots from taking flight. While we have discussed the importance of attitude mode before, DJI has doubled down on limiting new pilot’s capability. Full drone control simply means, when the competition can’t fly… we can take flight.
Think about it, DJI has given enterprise pilots the ability to fly with attitude mode. After all, it is the only means of stopping a flyaway during GPS interference. Why would DJI inhibit new pilots from full control? They might buy another new drone sooner! Keynesian economics?
Drone pilots flying the Mavic Air 2s will fly less often than those using the Mavic 2 Pro. Commercial drone pilots must be able to complete the drone job no matter what. Well, unless it is illegal to do so. With full drone control, most experienced drone pilots will be able to fly on windy days. They will also be able to stop emergencies. Experienced drone pilots know how to take advantage of the wind. Flying into the wind, allowing the drone to float… then just control the camera. This particular ability to fly on windy days opens the door to experienced jobs. Skill trumps gimmicky technology every day of the week.
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What is the biggest reason most professional drone pilots are skipping the Mavic Air 2s? The Mavic Air 2s has a fixed aperture.
While the new Mavic Air 2s has a 1″ sensor, the pilot cannot fully control the camera. Professional drone pilots most likely already own a Mavic 2 Pro. The Mavic 2 Pro already has a 1″ sensor, and it is a Hasselblad sensor! The Mavic 2 pro can be controlled in “full manual.” The drone pilot can select the aperture to get the best possible exposure necessary. The Mavic Air 2s does not allow the pilot to have full camera control. Limiting a pilots ability to capture a scene at any given time.
Why would the drone pilot want to have aperture control? Simple, those pilots have the ability to use more “tools” in the toolbox. The professional drone pilots can capture better HDR photos. Those professional pilots can also capture better low-light photos.
In addition, drone pilots can capture better video. Have you ever watched a drone video that flashes with lighting changes? This is what happens when a pilot does not have full camera control. You will notice this “flashing” when pilots are tilting their camera’s up or down during a flight motion. Let’s just say, you’re not getting any jobs on set when your camera is flashing during a shot. Drone pilots need every opportunity possible to remain relevant and keep getting drone jobs. The ability to avoid emergencies, fly on windy days and have full camera control offers numerous opportunities to solve problems when others cannot.
Professional drone pilots are skipping the Mavic Air 2s because:
- Can’t control aperture
- Limited Flight on windy days (professionals can fly when new pilots are fearful)
- Limited flight motions due to limited camera control.
- Inability to avoid emergency fly-aways.
- Pilots love the color gamut of the Hasselblad sensor on the Mavic 2 Pro.
As DJI continues to launch new drones like the Mavic Air 2s, professional pilots are taking a hard and close look at these new drones. As a professional pilot myself, I would skip the purchase of a Mavic Air 2S. What is the point of a business? It is to make money. Why spend money on new equipment that offers less solutions in the sky? Without full camera control and the ability to take flight on windy days, I will stick with my Mavic 2 Pro. While my Mavic 2 pro is hacked to have attitude mode, I’ll probably buy another one instead of the Mavic Air 2s. Simply because I like to solve problems when my competition can’t. Also, because I Like to fly safely. As safe flight enables highly skilled flight.
Ready to one-up the competition, learn to fly better.
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