Why become a Drone Pilot

March 17, 2023
Why become a Drone Pilot

If you’re considering why become a drone pilot, consider a growing demand for skilled pilots, a life outdoors and a constantly changing environment and challenges.

There are many reasons to consider why become a drone pilot.  We will succinctly summarize the various reasons to consider and the current market environment as well.  Lately, drones have become increasingly popular as a tool for a variety of industries.  From construction and engineering to film production and public works, companies are realizing the applications for drones are virtually endless.

As the drone industry has matured, many companies have realized how to utilize the data from drones.  Due to a better understanding of how data can be used, the demand for skilled pilots has grown largely.   If you are considering a career change or looking to transform your hobby of flight into a passion for profit, becoming a drone pilot is definitely worth considering.

Below we will discuss the following considerations for why become a drone pilot.

  1. Job Opportunities
  2. Outdoor Lifestyle
  3. Love of Cutting Edge Tech
  4. Life-long learning
  5. Singular Skills with Wide-reaching applications
  6. Adventure & Exploration
  7. Feel like a kid again

why become a drone pilot

1. Job Opportunities

One highly compelling reason to take flight is the demand for skilled pilots in the field.  As more industries begin to rely on drones for a variety of tasks, the need for experienced pilots is only going to increase.  For those drone pilots who are competently trained to fly drones, there are a wealth of opportunities.

As we have recommended many times, pilots should skip the low hanging fruit and head for the recurring revenue jobs.  Recurring revenue drone jobs look like,

  1. cell tower inspections,
  2. solar panel inspections,
  3. utility inspections,
  4. construction progression reporting, 

Why become a drone pilot, well the rate of pay may make these job opportunities more enticing.  Typically drone pilots will fly 4-6 cell towers in a day at a rate of $250-$350 for monopole or self supporting towers.  Cell towers with

guyed wires will rake in a healthy $700-$850 per tower.

Solar panel inspections yield great pay rates and do not require hands-on time for processing.  These jobs even netted one drone pilot $80,000 in gross revenue in one year.

Utility inspections are varied and cover a wide scope of services.  From inspecting power lines and power towers with drones like the Inspire 2 or M30t, to mapping substations with the Freefly Astro or M300.

Construction progression reporting has become quite the norm.  Construction companies now use drone data products for many reasons.  It is not just permanent record of installation or liability protection.   Construction companies now use 3d Models for marketing and animating the progression or planned progression of a project.

2. Why become a drone pilot, outdoor lifestyle

For those who enjoy spending time outdoors and living an active lifestyle, this should be a no-brainer.  One of primary benefits of becoming a drone pilot is the opportunity to explore the great outdoors.  From riverbanks to rural farmlands to urban adventures, drone pilots experience it all.

In fact, being a drone pilot may be one of the healthiest professions on the planet.  Drone pilots are outside getting exercise and exploring ever changing environments.  Drone pilots benefit from sun exposure and reduced toxic workplace culture.  While drone pilots typically work in teams, pilots may find themselves alone in the great outdoors.

Drone pilots enjoy the benefits of fresh air, increased physical activity, and sun exposure.  Flying drones requires dexterity and coordination, which can improve hand-eye coordination and motor skills.  For drone pilots being outside and surrounded by nature will calm the mind, reduce stress and promote mental clarity.  In addition, for drone pilots, we get to explore nature in a way that only eagles enjoy.  The opportunity to explore the great outdoors from an aerial perspective drives a unprecedented creative endeavor.  Pilots may not be working for national geographic, but they’ll be exploring the world in a similar manner.  Consider that for why to become a drone pilot.

3. Love of Cutting Edge Technology

Let’s face it, as a drone pilot our eyes in a similar manner as Christmas did with remote control toys.  If you love learning new technology, drones will keep you on the edge of your seat for decades.  Drones constantly evolve and test the boundaries of the airspace.  Cameras are always getting better, aerodynamics evolve and airframes test the edge of payload capacity.  Flying drones requires a deep understanding of complex systems like GPS, gimbals, cameras and obstacle avoidance sensors.  This knowledge is extremely valuable in a wide array of industries.

4. Life Long Learning

As a drone pilot, we have to stay on top of regulations, new gear and software that can make our operations more efficient as a whole.  Life long learning has numerous benefits that can help individuals to grow.  This constant learning will keep drone pilots minds sharp and stay away from dementia and overall reduce the risk of cognitive decline.  This can help drone pilots make better decisions, solve problems more effectively and be more innovative in our approach to life.  Continuous learning can lead to our personal growth, enhancing creativity, even self awareness and confidence.  At the end of the day, the life long learning is a key ingredient for success and happiness in life.  This learning allows us to adapt to new challenges, acquire new skills and keep us developing through our lives.  We’re either learning and growing or receding.

5. Singular Skills with Wide-Ranging Applications

When considering why become a drone pilot, understand the skills you develop to be a drone pilot are going to be applicable to numerous industries.   Drone pilots require attention to detail, relationship building, deep knowledge of technological systems and an understanding of applying these systems.  Drone pilots must have an attention to detail and an understanding of the benefits of operating within systems.   This knowledge is essential in a wide range of industries from agriculture to construction, engineering and more.

Drone pilots must be able to interpret and analyze data, which is valuable in many fields.  That skill is also the introduction to data analytics, a high paying field in itself.  In conclusion, the skills that drone pilots develop are not only specific to the industry, but are also overarching and widely applicable to a diverse range of professions.

6. Adventure and Exploration

For the love of flight is the most basic consideration to take flight.  The love of flight will lead us to unknown destinations.  The love of flight will drive the adventure of being a drone pilot.  Think of this premise like this… you may have explored the world.  But when you become a drone pilot, you will be exploring the world from an entirely new perspective.  It will drive a fascination with exploring places you thought you already knew.  As a drone pilot, you will ignite your imagination and showcase a love for the process and adventure, not the destination.

7. Feel like a kid again

Being a drone pilot is a fulfilling experience, as it allows you to tap into your inner child and experience the thrill of flying.  Flying a drone is reminiscent of playing with a remote-controlled toy as a child, but with a greater sense of control and purpose.  The sense of wonder and excitement from being a drone pilot can be a welcome break from the stresses of adult life.  Becoming a drone pilot will allow you to escape and let loose in a fun and rewarding way.  Whether you’re a seasoned drone pilot or a novice, flying drones can be a uniquely satisfying experience that brings out the kid in all of us.

If you’re ready to take flight, enjoy the most comprehensive drone training available on the internet.  Become a drone member today, even university professors use our curriculum, so skip the heavy fees and become a member today!  

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