In today's show, we discuss the best portable charging solution for Phantom 4 Pro AND the Matrice 600. We share different charging options, consider their capabilities, and compare prices.
In today's show, we share how you can get airspace authorization for a contract towered airport. Does the authorization process for a contract towered airport differ from that of an FAA towered one?
In this week's first story, we share that implementation of Remote ID has been delayed by three months. Those that regularly listen to our show might be aware that a short while back, FAA had come out with an
In today's show, we reveal the pros & cons of different drone mapping software. Specifically, we compare Pix4D, Maps Made Easy, and Drone Deploy. We have talked about Pix4D many times in our previous shows. John, our caller for today, is wondering if Maps Made Easy is a good option compared to
In today's show, we reveal the dangers of hiring unlicensed drone operators without a Part 107 license.
In today's show, we share the benefits of incorporating drone technology in an ALTA survey. Our caller, Randy, has a question about ALTA surveys. Randy is wondering whether a significant proportion of ALTA surveys are incorrect. And if so, what is the margin of error? While it is not possible to define
In today's show, we reveal if Part 107 rules and regulations apply to public safety officers. Our caller, William, is wondering if public safety officers are subject to the same rules and regulations as other drone pilots. Do public safety officers need to procure Part 107 waivers for flying at night or
DJI Halts Phantom 4 Production, US-1 by Impossible Aerospace, Drones for Herding Sheep and Spotting Koalas, Free Solo Movie and More by Ask Drone U In this week's drone news, we share some important DJI News. Our first big story is about the Phantom 4 Pro. DJI has officially stated that the Phantom
In today's show, we discuss different strategies that skilled and experienced drone mappers can employ to make their business stand out from the competition. Our caller, Glen, is a professional drone mapper with extensive experience and deep technical knowledge. Glen is livid that inexperienced drone
In today's show, we discuss how you can use drones for golf course marketing. Our caller sees a massive opportunity in doing flyovers for golf courses. Most of the golf courses in his city are using shoddy marketing footage
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