Today's question is about the SplashDrone. Should you buy this waterproof drone? How does the SplashDrone compare to the Phantom 3? Is the SplashDrone a good drone for subject tracking? The idea of a waterproof drone is intriguing to many. But, is
Today's show focuses on the new enterprise and public safety equipment released by DJI. We discuss the XT2, Slantrange, Skyport and PSDK solutions with Jon Mcbride from
Will you encounter glitches if you open multiple drone applications? Today's question is about drone applications. Can you open multiple applications while flying your drone? Is it a
Today's question is about battery maintenance. What are some best practices for ensuring long drone battery life? Can you damage your drone batteries if you are not flying for a long duration? Our caller cannot fly for two
Today, we talk about using drone building inspection. How can you build an accurate building model using a drone? Which software can you use for making great client deliverables? Are there any disadvantages to using cloud based
Today's question is about drone insurance. Can you get insurance if you are flying someone else's drone? Which insurance providers can you consider in this scenario? Our caller, Ignacio wishes to fly his friend's drone. How can he receive proper coverage? In event of a crash, can Ignacio claim damages
Today's question is about getting your COA or COW. If you have prior permission from Air Traffic Control, do you still need to get your COA or COW? What does the FAA say about this issue? Our
How Do You Use Drones for Traffic Accident Reconstruction? Today's question is about traffic accident reconstruction. Which is the best drone for traffic accident reconstruction? Should you use Ground Control Points (GCP's)? Our caller is planning on purchasing a good entry level drone. Is the
Today, we talk about FAA’s LAANC system. When is Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability (LAANC) system coming to you? How does LAANC work? Our caller has applied for airspace authorizations. But like a lot
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