Another great question today coming to us from Jonathan, a fellow pilot frustrated with the competitive nature of the drone photography market. We offer some advice on understanding the value of your skills and building your drone business around services that customers can't get anywhere
What do I need to know about using a spotter or drone visual observer? Great question today from Christopher, a drone entrepreneur working in Connecticut. He wants to know how he can utilize spotters and visual observers in a manner most efficient to running his drone business. In this
Drone Jobs on Film Sets Thank you, Chris in Georgia, for the question today. Fly safe! Get your questions answered: If you enjoy the show, the #1 thing you can do to
Danno is Louisiana submitted this question today. This isn't something we often do here where we answer a question about Drone U. We very much work to keep questions centric to helping you all. But we'll talk about trainings we do because we'd love the opportunity to help you get better at whatever it is
Today we're going to talk about the proposed bill by Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein of CA, which would give drone law authority to each individual state. We'll just tell you up front that we hate this bill. But tune in to find out why as we go through it. Thanks for joining us and fly safe! Get
Appreciate Todd from California sending us the question that we're answering today. Glad to give you our thoughts on this, Todd. Hope it's helpful. Let us know how we can help all you out there. Submit your questions. Fly safe! Get your questions answered: If you enjoy the
Christopher from Connecticut submitted the question today. Thanks for sending it in! Hope you all have a great Memorial Day. Thanks for joining us today. Fly safe! Get your questions answered: If you enjoy the show, the #1 thing you can do to help us out is subscribe to it
Should I Use a Fixed Wing for Drone Powerline Inspection? Thanks to Nick for the question today. Hope this is helpful to you and all our listeners. Fly safe, everyone! Get your questions answered: If you enjoy the show, the #1 thing you can do to help us out is
Today we're tackling a really good, heavy question from Jon. This is a tough question with lots of possible angles. So we'll stay a little "in the clouds" here to try and touch on as many aspects that we can. Thanks for the question, Jon. Good luck in your decision and business. We're here to help if you
As it relates to 400 feet AGL (Above Ground Level) measurement, how does it work when you're launching from a high point? Is it based on your launch position regardless? Today we're answering a good question submitted by someone who didn't give a name. But thanks for sending it in. Keep
Click the button below to record your question. Please keep it to roughly a minute long, polite, non-spammy and drone or business related. Here are the full submission guidelines
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