When flying between two restricted airspaces, do I need to notify both of them? In this episode, we will share the details of airspace restrictions when flying your drone. Learn how to look up maps and ask for flying permission here. Sean in Texas is asking us the question we're answering
Thank you, Jason in Washington, DC for the question. Here's your answer. Here's also a link for you to check out that will help all of you with this: https://www.tc.gc.ca/media/documents/ca-opssvs/Infographic-Do_I_need_permission_to_fly_my_drone.pdf. Fly safe! Get your questions answered:
How can I establish more job security in the drone industry? In this episode, we talk about UAV jobs, from how to obtain them, to how to establish job security. Check all the details here. A new question today from Sean in Texas. Thanks for submitting your question, Sean. Keep them coming in,
Today we're going to again depart from a submitted question and chat through something that has been brought to us by numerous folks regarding the FAA restricting drone operations over certain military bases. Here's a link for you to check out for this: //uas-faa.opendata.arcgis.com/. Stay tuned and
Today we're going to talk about a topic we've been doing a fair amount of digging on lately with numerous sources. We hope you find this helpful, and exciting. We'd love to see this happen. Here are some helpful links for you with this: #1. //uas-faa.opendata.arcgis.com/ #2.
What Are the Quietest Drones on the Market That Can Be Used for Investigative Work? Which is the quietest drone that can you can buy? In today's show we compare noise levels for the DJI Inspire,
What is your preferred method for storing 4K footage? SSD? In this episode, we discuss what is the best video storage method for drone footage. Check out the drives comparisons and pricing here. Jon in North Carolina sent us the question for today. Thank, Jon. Another great question, so keep
What do you think about the new Canon Drone? Get your questions answered: https://thedroneu.com/. If you enjoy the show, the #1 thing you can do to help us out is subscribe to it on iTunes. Can we ask you to do that for us really quick? While you're there, leave us a 5-star review, if you're
Is starting a new career in drones really viable? If you are considering working in the drone industry, check this episode with tips to obtain a commercial drone pilot license, and to find the right niche. Great question today from John. He's in his late 40's and curious about how real it may
Today we have a rather serious question from Lisa. Sorry to hear this happened, Lisa. We'll do all we can to help. Fly safe! Get your questions answered: https://thedroneu.com/. If you enjoy the show, the #1 thing you can do to help us out is subscribe to it on iTunes. Can we ask you to do that for
Click the button below to record your question. Please keep it to roughly a minute long, polite, non-spammy and drone or business related. Here are the full submission guidelines
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