Today's show is about using drones in the oil and gas industry. Our caller for today, Jason from Texas wishes to leverage his experience in the oil and gas industry. He is wondering about the best way to market his drone services to industry stakeholders. In today's show, we discuss regulations,
Today's question is about drone mapping opportunities for DSP's in large organizations. Are large organizations more prone to training in-house drone teams?
Today's show is about pricing strategies for drone pilots. How can you negotiate with a client, and avoid getting underpaid for your services? Our caller for today, John is just starting out. Luckily, he managed to bag a huge drone
Today's question is about dealing with unscrupulous clients who refuse to pay up. Are there any legal steps that you can take that will force your client to pay up even after you deliver your
Today's show is about starting a drone business. How can you come up with a proper business plan to maximize your chances of success? Our caller for today, Forrest is keen to start his drone business after recently passing his Part
Today's show is about starting a new drone business. How can you conduct a thorough market validation exercise, and discover if it is worth investing in new business? Our caller for today, Jose is an army man on the verge of
Today's question is about failures in business. What are some of the most important lessons that Rob and Paul have learned from their business failures?
Today's show is a special one as we are joined by drone pilot, Cam Sale who reveals some expert tips and tricks to protect and grow your drone business in the midst
Pricing Strategies for Drone Mapping Professionals Today's question is about pricing a drone mapping job. What variables do you need to consider so that you don't end up underbidding and losing money?
What steps should drone pilots take to sustain their businesses during these tough times? While it is important to remain healthy and safe, you should also avoid giving into to overwhelm and panic and use this downtime judiciously.
Click the button below to record your question. Please keep it to roughly a minute long, polite, non-spammy and drone or business related. Here are the full submission guidelines
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