Today we're going to talk about a topic we've been doing a fair amount of digging on lately with numerous sources. We hope you find this helpful, and exciting. We'd love to see this happen. Here are some helpful links for you with this: #1. // #2.
Today we are joined by Vic Moss to discuss a recent article he wrote about the airspace portal and how the FAA continues to drag out its deployment. This is a very interesting interview. Be sure and join us. You can find Vic's article here:
How high is the airspace over a residential home? Today we discuss how high can you fly over a residential home. If you are wondering how high can you fly a drone, check our episode. Douglas in California is asking a great question for us to answer. We appreciate you taking the time to send it
Thank you, Mike in Pennsylvania, for the question today. Happy to help out. Let us know what other questions you have, everyone. Fly safe! Get your questions answered: If you enjoy the show, the #1 thing you can do to help us out is subscribe to it on iTunes. Can we ask you
Great question from Ryan in Pennsylvania today. We may be a little biased, Ryan, but here's your answer. Fly safe (and legally)! Get your questions answered: If you enjoy the show, the #1 thing you can do to help us out is subscribe to it on iTunes. Can we ask you to do that
How can we use drones to save lives? What is the best drone for Fire and Police departments? In today's episode, we discuss with Keenan Newton about fire fighting drones and police drones. Check how drones can help with public safety here! Keenan Newton joins us for a discussion about drones
How many Part 107 Certifications have been handed out by the FAA? Today we discuss how many CFR Part 107 Certifications have been handed out by the FAA. Don't miss out all the details here. Thanks to Wayne for the question today. We're here for you when you need us. Fly safe! Get your
Drone Laws for Flying Over People Thanks to Tyrone for the question today. Thanks for listening so faithfully, everyone! Fly safe! Get your questions answered: If you enjoy the show, the #1 thing you can do to help us out is subscribe to it on iTunes. Can we ask you
How can I stay current on drone legalities and be an effective advocate to help influence proposed drone laws in my community? In this episode, learn how to stay on top of drone laws and to become an advocate that can influence new laws for your community. Today we welcome our friend and
Thanks for the question today, Steve in Oklahoma. Fly safe, everyone! Get your questions answered: If you enjoy the show, the #1 thing you can do to help us out is subscribe to it on iTunes. Can we ask you to do that for us really quick? While you're there, leave us a 5-star
Click the button below to record your question. Please keep it to roughly a minute long, polite, non-spammy and drone or business related. Here are the full submission guidelines
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